Thursday, May 29, 2008

A new set up

I am gonna review movies a bit differently than i have been. I am gonna start being way more strict on my overall ratings they will be as followed

0/10 Awful. Stay far away
1/10 Bad if at all avoidable don't watch these movies
2/10 Nothing special only for the curious
3/10 Enjoyable once and once only.
4/10 Starting to get better. Typical cliched action/comedy/horror movie
5/10 popcorn movie, some good ideas but nothing completely original worth a rent
6/10 Easily a common rating, not bad by any means but nothing original. Worth a rent and sometimes a buy
7/10 Good movie.
8/10 Deffently worth owning. Not always a easy recommendable movie but a solid movie
9/10 Great just a few feet from amazing
10/10 Rare, either striking art direction, compelling or movie story or does everything right. Near perfection

Ok so thats my set up. I am gonna review older movies (Platoon, Silence of the lambs, the Godfather etc etc) to new movies (Sweeny Todd, American Gangster, Juno, and even new theater releases) My personal views is I hate renting movies so yeah all these older movies i am review i either own or borrowed (sorta a rent a guess )

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